I can understand the response I got from rogers but I don't fully agree with it.

Would also be an interesting test would be to bridge my PCs internet with the second ethernet card and see if I get those 100+ speeds.

I've heard of placing a router inbetween the modem and my ps4 - this is my next step. I can only gather that from their perspective, they consider the PS4 or PSN to be not compatible with the modem they have chosen. I claimed it is rogers who provided me the modem and if it isn't compatible should that not make it a rogers issue. I was talking with the Rogers Support which explained to me that the speed is there (since my PC was getting the right speeds) and that they do not support the PS4 since it is outside of what they support. Any one else feel like posting thier tracert to .dl.? I will be referencing this thread during my support call. Were you speaking with a Rogers support agent? Please confirm - if yes, I'm going to call in and log this issue as well. Tracing route to a1621.d. ġ 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms ħ 17 ms 23 ms 20 ms Also - did not know that Rogers hosts the content server in Vancouver - news to me! (I stand corrected). Hello have Rogers Ignite 250U as well, but must admit never cared enough to perform the trace route and investigate further (usually just let the PS3 download and shut down when done). I know my buddy on fiber op is getting 100mbps.Īnyway this is the trace route information: He put me through to a teir 2 support tech who also diagnosed it as an issue on there end as connecting to a Rogers hosted server through the Rogers network should have higher speeds then a non roger customer, they are now going to have a tech team investigate the issue and get back to me within 36 hours. I contacted tech support and he told me it a issue with Rogers but it hasn't been looked into as they don't get enough complaints about it and I'm the 1st one he ever seen to give them the trace route details. All networking from my end to the content server is through Rogers network. The content server is hosted by Rogers in Vancouver.